Saturday, July 21, 2012

me and sally ann in Mallorca

a thousand apologies to you all my dear, dear readers as i have been really bad at posting these days.  i went to see my friend sally ann in Mallorca, you see :)

i will tell you more about this great Balearic summer island of Mallorca in my next posts but first, about my friend sally ann :) 

it was'nt easy looking for her, mind you, but that is only part of the adventure. it involved going into a tourist information office (the guy i talked to was soooo incredibly patient and helpful), two bus rides (travelling was so easy, the buses were efficient), a lot of asking locals for directions (perdone, donde esta...?), and a LOT of walking! (great exercise!)
but finally, she was found!  you can't fail to miss her, she was brimming when we saw her :)
she asked us to please take our seats in her charming blue wicker chairs...
"... or maybe fresh orange juice?"  (one cannot afford to miss the freshly-squeezed-before-your-eyes orange juice in Mallorca served in almost all of the restaurants)
after the pleasantries, she inquisitively pointed to a little black dot in her huge ancient map... curious to know the distance we travelled just to see her (i have dibs on this one but have to consider excess baggage, dang)
she had to turn on a cute lamp just to see that little dot!
"oh, excuse my cow, she moos too much when i have visitors... she loves visitors..." 
"can you stay for lunch?", she asked with a smile.  "i just got a new mincer and am making something nice."  oh we would love to!  but we had made other plans.  "next time then?"  yes definitely next time! 
and just when we were on our way out, i spotted this big dusty globe, sitting in a corner so out of place. can i have him please?  i asked.  she smiled and said, "of course!"
the reason he was looking so out of place, you see, was because he belongs to me :)  he lights up at night and when we were back at the hotel, only then did i realize...
the names were all in Spanish :)  lo quiero aun mas :)

*linking to Flea Market Finds @ Her Library Adventures :)


  1. Welcome back, I thought we hadnt heard from you for a while!

  2. You are very devoted - two buses! Looks like a great shop. I hate when you don't have room to take the stuff home. :( The globe is amazing. I love that it's in Spanish.

    1. jo, thats what the mister told me too hahaha i just cant pass up the opportunity to visit my favorite shops while travelling :) the force was too strong with this one hehe

  3. Such a cute post! I'm home too, but barely! I did a lot of walking too!

    1. oh jeanne i am aching all over now hehe hope u enjoyed ur disney with the girls :)

  4. Mallorca, Ballerman 6....ah to be young But there is more to Mallorca than that and I hope you took full advantage of it.
    Especially love the lamp <3

    1. heidi, we did see ballermann 6 but we didnt dare try it :) we stayed near Playa de Palma so we walked the whole stretch of beach :) LOL yes we saw a lot of Mallorca, my thrifting bit was the cherry on top though :)

  5. oooh what a great place, you could rummage for hours!

    1. i wanted to stay for a day clare! but the mister was being a pain in the neck hehehe

  6. LOL at all the names on the globe being in Spanish... But ya know what? Who cares, it's still amazing! It looks like there were quite a few treasures to be found.

    1. i love it even more when i discovered it was in Spanish wendy :) the rest of the stuff i liked i left behind :( no room in the luggage anymore :(
