Friday, August 9, 2013

flea market finds: on a silver platter

recently, i just sold my Polaroid P.  it was just sitting on a shelf gathering dust and so I was happy i sold it to someone who needed it more than i did.

i must say i am loving selling my stuff!  with a tidy profit to boot!

the thrift shops have now closed for the summer so i am frequently imagining all the different new stuff they would have once they open again in September.  a billion things would fly through my mind at any given moment.  

but i never imagined this:

a French glass serving platter in a silverplate basket with a twisted handle
bought for a song in an online buy and sell page, this would make a lovely present to a hostess with the mostess ;)

*linking to The Penny Worthy Project @ hey what's for dinner Mom? and also to The Nifty Thrifty @ a living space :)


  1. Oh, I love it! You can come stay with me anytime!

    1. hahahaha! i would love that ;) hows ur summer coming along so far jeanne?

  2. Concurring with Jeanne! But you'd run from us and our remodeling!

    1. hahahahaha! no i wont laura :) i'd prolly join in your remodelling!
