Friday, November 18, 2011

The Great London Walk-About: The National Gallery

on our last day, surprisingly enough, it was a beautiful day. coolish but when you're under the sun, its warm and there is actually sunshine. we decided to pay a visit to the Queen. So, off we went to Buckingham Palace with the Victoria Monument in the foreground
there were a lot of people there since it was Remembrance Sunday and she was expected to lay a wreath in The Cenotaph to pay tribute to the fallen heroes
Green Park beside the Palace was magical with a carpet of fall colors
we decided to follow the crowd and see where they lead us. well, unexpectedly, we found the National Gallery where they had a special exhibit of Leonardo da Vinci's newly-discovered painting, the Salvador Mundi
the Gallery faces Trafalgar Square where Nelson's Column dominates it with his "towering" presence
a guy cleaning up the drains of the big fountain where people throw coins (but there weren't a lot of coins when we looked)
a plinth showing a galleon inside a bottle (this is part of an on-going exhibit and changes constantly depending on what the Gallery is exhibiting)
the mister loves the old masters, this is just one of the hundreds of paintings inside the Gallery
"The Waterlily Pond" by Monet
at last its time for lunch!
with this, we bid adieu to London, which strangely enough, i feel at home in.

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