Saturday, April 20, 2013

in search of sushi

that restlessness again... for something new, for something challenging, for something to rejuvenate the soul... and the palate...

i've been searching for a place like this for so long... with upside down yellow chairs nailed to a pink wall...
with giant Japanese parasols suspended in the ceiling... dappled in the afternoon sunlight...
with a shadowbox full of memories and mysteries...
with shadowboxes full of remembrances and secrets...
where they hide among big banana fronds...
and then, one mouthful of my rainbow sushi and everything is alright in the world...
nothing beats old school, though... food for the famished soul and the tired hippocampus...
banana tempura... with the toasted sesame chasing the blues away... best when shared with one teaspoon...
 Surla in my mind...
 i shall return.


  1. That is wonderful. Such a beautiful atmosphere. Thank you for posting. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Many thanks for visiting my blog and for your comments too.

    Lovely sort of says come in look around,sit down,eat and stay awhile.....mmmmmm .....yesssss.
    I love sushi but I don't think I've tried all those different combinations on that plate.
    Pity! There could do with a decent Japanese restaurant here in Alicante and not those buffet places which I do not rely on.

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

    1. yes it was a great find really amanda and i've been looking for a long time for good sushi here too. there's none in Gibraltar :( enjoy the lovely you have over in Alicante! take care!

  3. All that style and susshi too. Heaven!!
